Hello Pavel and Neil,

>From a quick CPAN search it looks like there's already Telegram::Bot and
WWW::Telegram::(Something). So I second using one of these namespaces
instead of a new one.


On Mon, Nov 7, 2016 at 2:07 PM, Neil Bowers <neil.bow...@cogendo.com> wrote:

> Hi Pavel,
> I made some bots for Telegram and decided to arrange common codebase into
> module.
> I called my project 'perlgram'.
> Here it's https://github.com/pavelsr/perlgram
> And this is example of bot based on module https://github.com/
> FabLab61/dt_bot
> What do you think, which package name would be better for publishing it at
> CPAN ?
> Is it ok to publish module under Perlgram name, like FindBin ? Or should I
> add top-level hierarchy like WWW:: or Bot:: or API:: ?
> In addition to Ron’s suggestion, the module-authors mailing list (copied
> on this email) is a better place to ask for advice like this.
> And while I’m here, better then a Perlgram toplevel namespace, you could
> go with a toplevel of Telegram::BotKit, or something like that, with your
> distribution then being called Telegram-BotKit (note that the distribution
> name needs to match the top-level module name). Then all modules in your
> distribution would be inside the Telegram::BotKit::* namespace.
> Cheers,
> Neil

Konstantin S. Uvarin
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