Hi David!

On Thu, 28 Oct 2021 22:02:43 -0700
David Christensen <dpchr...@holgerdanske.com> wrote:

> On 10/25/21 12:41 PM, Andrea Tosoni wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> Contributing to a FOSS project can be an exciting learning experience.  :-)
> You will want to create a distribution that the various Perl and CPAN 
> tools can understand.  "Writing Perl Modules for CPAN" by Sam Tregar was 
> helpful back in the day:
> https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-1-4302-1152-5

do note https://perl-begin.org/topics/cpan/#preparing-dists which superseded it.

> I have always used ExtUtils::MakeMaker and h2xs(1) to create Perl 
> distributions:
> https://man.archlinux.org/man/core/perl/h2xs.1perl.en
> Git seems to be the current, popular choice for version control.  I use CVS.
> GitHub seems to be the current, popular choice for collaboration and 
> support.  I will need to convert to Git to utilize GitHub.
> That's the fun stuff.  Then there's the not-so-fun stuff -- legal. 
> Notably, intellectual property (IP) and data privacy.  You do not want 
> to make a mistake here.
> You will need to select a license.  For Perl, the Artistic License is 
> traditional.  But, there are examples of CPAN distributions with other 
> licenses.  Note that "Public Domain" can be problematic.  h2xs(1) 
> provides a POD license section in the main module that indirectly refers 
> to the Artistic License.  To be pedantic, include a LICENSE file in the 
> root of your distribution.  See:
> https://opensource.org/licenses
> https://opensource.org/licenses/Artistic-2.0


> Do you have sole and complete ownership of everything you plan to 
> release?  More directly:  do you have the legal right to release the 
> software?
> In the USA, where I reside, any document I create -- software, data, 
> this e-mail message, etc. -- is automatically copyrighted.  But if I 
> wish to defend my copyright, I would be wise to submit a copy and file a 
> copyright application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office 
> (USPTO).
> You mentioned your software in the context of a company.  In the USA, if 
> I conceive, create, use, improve, etc., content in an employment or 
> consulting arrangement without a contract stating otherwise, then my 
> employer or client gains rights to all or part of that content.  This is 
> called the "work for hire" principle.
> Have you signed any contracts with your employer related to IP and/or 
> data privacy, such as a Confidential Disclosure Agreement, a 
> Non-Disclosure Agreement, an Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement, 
> etc.?  Does your employer have any written policies regarding IP and/or 
> data privacy?
> Have you reviewed the license for FrameMaker?
> If others helped you with the software, or if you used their ideas 
> and/or content, then they could have a stake in the software.
> Regarding data privacy, be aware of the Health Insurance Portability and 
> Accountability Act (HIPPA) (USA), the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, 
> and whatever laws apply in your country.
> What is your strategy for liability of content within the release -- 
> e.g. unauthorized use of copyrighted content, unauthorized use of 
> patented processes, improper reverse engineering, etc.?  Even if 
> everything is okay today, new patents, etc., may create violations in 
> the future.  Have you heard of "patent trolls"?
> You should discuss this with your employer.  You or they may wish to 
> consult an attorney or legal service.
> David


Shlomi Fish       https://www.shlomifish.org/

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