demerphq wrote:
On 7/22/06, David Golden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
2) The Complex Problem: Dual XS/PP modules are not hard to do (e.g.
Params::Validate), but they do require robust compiler detection across

Im a little confused about this one. I can think of a few modules that
provide dual implementations that dont require robust compiler
detection. Whats wrong with

  Are you set up to compile XS code [y/n]

And then install the XS only if they answer yes? Is this a case of
trying to come up with a high tech solution where a low tech solution
would be just as good?

I would consider the use of prompt() with a sensible default to be a "robust" approach.


I suspect that ExtUtils::CBuilder::have_compiler() is likewise fairly robust. At least, I hope so, if M::B is going to be a replacement for needing make.

Assuming things about qr/?make/ is not robust (example from DateTime-0.31):

>  system( "$Config{make} test$Config{obj_ext}" )

Which, for Vanilla Perl, gives:

dmake:  Error: -- Don't know how to make `test.o'

The approach in Params::Validate (and borrowed for uses ExtUtils::CBuilder, if installed, and otherwise tries manually against the configured CC, rather than make:

 system( "$Config{cc} -o test$Config{obj_ext} test.c" )

Which, as a fall-back, is hopefully a bit more portable. Frankly, I'm not sure why it isn't just "$Config{cc} test.c", but I'm not very compiler savvy.

These "high-tech" solutions seem fine to me if you want to default to the XS version (which most anyone with a compiler is likely to want).

However, M::B *dependencies* have to use these techniques directly instead of relying on M::B to provide have_c_compiler() (which just wraps ExtUtils::CBuilder anyway).


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