Andreas J. Koenig wrote:
> When I try to install Module::Build for bleadperl @24713 (a version
> from 2005-06-06) then I can't due to the error below. Anybody know the
> reason and has an idea for a fix?

Why that rev in particular?  Is this related to your query on p5p about 24714
breaking Term::Readline::Gnu by chance?  The problem is that was
integrated into bleadperl before that point, and with a very early version
(0.42), so I'm not really sure how well the embedded version code in
Module::Build is going to play with the already-existing version code in 

> Don't tell me that I shall install a newer version of This
> fails because it depends on Module::Build :(

And you couldn't anyways, because the CPAN is strictly a
compatibility module for non-bleadperl releases (i.e. it is a noop for 

I backrev'd my p4 checkout to that rev and I'll try to build bleadperl and then
get Module::Build to play nice if I can.  It's kind of a stretch, though, to try
and maintain compatibility with random bleadperl releases, which by default and
design are not intended to be considered stable releases.


John Peacock
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