On 3/1/07, David Golden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've had some requests for a mechanism for module authors to indicate
whether or not they want to be copied on module test emails generated
by CPAN::Reporter (particularly for passing reports).  This seems like
the kind of thing that should go in the module META.yml.

Is there a de facto standard for custom extensions to META.yml?  (I
didn't see one in the spec.)  An example might be fields beginning
with a capital letter or "X-foo" style extensions.  E.g.

X-cc-author: no

Alternatively, what would people think about adding a field in
META.yml like "notes" for this kind of extra information.  E.g.:

    cc_author: no

I would prefer the second option because it is more modular. However,
there should be a way to add things to it easily when preparing the


Shlomi Fish

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.


Shlomi Fish http://www.shlomifish.org/

If his programming is anything like his philosophising, he
would find 10 imaginary bugs in the "Hello World" program.

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