# from Julian Mehnle
# on Wednesday 02 May 2007 03:34 pm:

>Is it likely that M::B 0.26's META.yml generator is badly interacting
>with version.pm-based version numbers (`use version; our $VERSION =
>qv('2.004');`) and CPAN is really expecting a version.pm-style version
>number in META.yml (here: "v2.004")?  Or why would CPAN report a
> version mismatch for "v2.004" vs "2.004000"?

That seems possible.  I don't have a 0.26 M::B handy, but your Mail::SPF 
META.yml has "version: 2.00400" and mine are like "version: v0.11.3".

The question may be whether the version.pm / CPAN code is honoring your 
VERSION line correctly.  Though, possibly that should be qv('v2.4.0').  

If it compares a version object to your META.yml, I think that should be 
good.  If it is doing a string-compare, I think all bets are off.

Aside:  I'm thinking of changing most of my modules to simply say 
"$VERSION = v0.1.2" just to see what breaks.  So far, it appears to be 
less of an issue than the version.pm docs imply, at least back to 5.6.2 
or so.

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