Andreas J. Koenig wrote:
> I've tracked it down.

Awesome!  Thanks for your efforts!

> See, this holds for v-strings:
>     v2.5 == v2.00000005

How is that relevant?  You mean that converts "2.005" into
"v2.005"?  If it does, then that's fine (even if just by accident).

> And this is true in the perl world:
>     v2.5 == 2.005
> So finds 2.005 from the CPAN index (because that always
> prefers floating point representation for maximum backwards
> compatibility).
> It then sees "v..." in your module and decides to convert 2.005 to
> v2.5 in order to be able to compare them as v-strings. While doing so
> it fails to normalize your degenerate v-string into v2.5. This is
> probably the main bug.

I see.  Is this documented on  Do you have any objections to 
me documenting it there, so I can refer others to it?  Or perhaps it would 
be better if you did that, as you probably understand the problem a lot 
better and can write a brief bug report without missing the point?

> Since the v-strings turn out to be equal it tries once again to
> compare ascibetically and finally finds "v2.5" sorting after "v2.0".
> I probably have a fix for which will probably come with the
> next release. But given that this will only work in the future, I'd
> urge you to rethink my original recommendation to choose a
> conservative approach to version strings and defer the use of
> v-strings, in particular degenerate v-strings until all the world
> (including has used for at least a year or three.

Well, I think there's a use for _some_ modules acting as pioneers and 
exposing the remaining "bugs" in the Perl toolchain.  I can live with my 
users complaining about the issue as long as I know that things will 
eventually get fixed.

Thanks again,

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