Eric Wilhelm wrote:
# from Ken Williams
# on Friday 17 August 2007 07:28 pm:

If I understand correctly, the problem being solved is "old cpan
client" (and somewhat "standalone tarball usage")  Right?
I think the other big one is that authors are often hesitant to take advantage of new M::B features, or to make an M::B-only distribution,
because it can add extra burdens to their users.

True, though configure_requires should solve that once the cpan client is upgraded, right?

Some users (eg. non-root newbies) have difficulty doing that. When a user only cares about using your particular module (which basically just needs to be put somewhere in PERL5LIB), requiring them to upgrade CPAN/ install M::B is a serious pain for them.

For one real-world example:

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