# from Andreas J. Koenig
# on Thursday 15 November 2007 23:39:

>  > So I'd like to propose a perl_version: key for META.yml, which
> would be > specifically to identify the minimum Perl language version
> dependency of the > module.


>And then the documentation must be adjusted that has the example
> requires:
>   ...
>   perl: 5.005_03

Yes, and the META.yml consumers which supported the old way will need to 
check the spec version and look for a requires => {perl...} if it is 
old spec.

Build.PL can't change though.  (Unless I can think of a way to 
auto-generate a Build.PL for compatibility with stale M::B's.)

And, running Build.PL should still give the same output, right? (unless 
CPAN.pm is going to self-upgrade.)

But you can never get 3n from n, ever, and if you think you can, please
email me the stock ticker of your company so I can short it.
--Joel Spolsky

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