Is this the intended behaviour?

(1)  perl Build.PL         # contains dist_version_from => 'lib/.../'
                           # and VERSION is 0.0.2

(2)  ./Build dist          # builds the distro for 0.0.2

(3)  edit lib/.../   # development continues and Foo reaches 0.0.3

(4)  ./Build dist          # again builds the distro for 0.0.2

I would have expected that step (4) builds the distro with 0.0.3 in
the name, instead it built 0.0.2 again. I had to re-run 'perl
Build.PL'. I observed the actual behaviour with
ANDK/CPAN-Testers-ParseReport-0.0.3.tar.gz in case this matters.


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