Hi Folks

In the docs for Module::Build::API it says, under script_files:

"The default is to install no script files - in other words, there is no
default location where Module::Build will look for script files to

However in my distro dir I have bin/ini.report.pl. This gets installed
automatically (for me, under Debian) as /usr/local/bin/ini.report.pl,
with this Build.PL:

use Module::Build;

Module::Build -> new
 module_name    => 'Module::Metadata::Changes',
 license        => 'artistic',
 dist_abstract  => "Manage a module's CHANGES file",
 dist_author    => 'Ron Savage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>',
 build_requires =>
         Test::More => 0,
         Test::Pod  => 0,
 requires =>
         Carp                        => 0,
         Config::IniFiles            => 0,
         DateTime::Format::HTTP      => 0,
         DateTime::Format::Strptime  => 0,
         DateTime::Format::W3CDTF    => 0,
         HTML::Entities::Interpolate => 0,
         HTML::Template              => 0,
         Test::More                  => 0,
         Test::Pod                   => 0,
         version                     => 0,
) -> create_build_script();

print "\a\n";
print "* Don't forget to install the CSS and *.tmpl files, which are
print "* shipped in the htdocs/ directory within the distro, if you \n";
print "* wish to utilize the HTML output options of ini.report.pl. \n";
print "* Run ini.report.pl -h for details. \n";
print "\n";
One user has reported the script not getting installed, but I don't know
the verion of M::B he's using yet.

I take it, however, that the behaviour of the code has changed and the
docs are just out of date?
Ron Savage

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