On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 11:22 PM, Eric Wilhelm
> # from Ken Williams
> # on Tuesday 15 July 2008 20:10:
>>> How horribly bizarre.  We don't even use Devel::Autoflush anywhere.
>>> Maybe it's some Test:: module barfing?
>>Actually, suspiciously, CPAN::Reporter seems to be what uses
>>Devel::Autoflush.  Is this part of the problem?
> A PERL5OPT conflicting with PERL5LIB hackery?

CPAN::Reporter versions 1.15_56 and 1.16 had broken implementations.
1.1601 is "fine" -- that said, things can still break if running some
custom perl (not first in path) and some script calls 'perl' that
doesn't have Devel::Autoflush installed.

If you can point me at problem output, I'll help diagnose.  (I've been
triaging emails so I may have missed it.)


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