On Thursday 11 September 2008, Eric Wilhelm wrote:
> Hi all,
> This looks like another case of thwarting my attempt at changing how we
> find the dist_version.  This has a module_name set, plus a
> dist_version_from.
> Is the previous behavior as-documented or accidental?
> That is, what does module_name mean, and what does dist_name mean if
> dist_version_from means something that module_name doesn't?  (If any of
> that makes any sense?)

Reading from Module::Build::API:


=item module_name

[version 0.03]

The C<module_name> is a shortcut for setting default values of
C<dist_name> and C<dist_version_from>, reflecting the fact that the
majority of CPAN distributions are centered around one "main" module.
For instance, if you set C<module_name> to C<Foo::Bar>, then
C<dist_name> will default to C<Foo-Bar> and C<dist_version_from> will
default to C<lib/Foo/Bar.pm>.  C<dist_version_from> will in turn be
used to set C<dist_version>.

Setting C<module_name> won't override a C<dist_*> parameter you
specify explicitly.

So if you specify 'module_name => $mn' and 'dist_version_from => $dvf' then 
the dist name would be based on $mn and the version will be taken from $dvf.


        Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/
Interview with Ben Collins-Sussman - http://xrl.us/bjn8s

Shlomi, so what are you working on? Working on a new wiki about unit testing 
fortunes in freecell? -- Ran Eilam
  • Fwd: argh Eric Wilhelm
    • Re: Fwd: argh Shlomi Fish

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