# from Nicholas Clark
# on Tuesday 16 September 2008 11:30:

>> Text::ParseWords on CPAN is really old. It appears that, to upgrade
>>   it, you have to upgrade Perl.
>Possibly independently, possibly not, an "Alexandr Ciornii" who has
> not yet featured in this thread has mailed p5p to ask to dual life
> it:

Yes, and that would be lovely.

While my big warning message might be loud and obnoxious, it:

  1.  only appears if there is maybe a problem
  2.  mentions Text::ParseWords and the version number
  3.  doesn't actually do anything.
  4.  can be removed in the next release.

If there ever is a next release of course.

"We" still need to get these things fixed:

  win32: t/ext.t, t/compat.t
  5.6.2: t/xs.t

And until Module::Build works on all of the targets, "we" can't put it 
on the CPAN.  If "we" can't put it on the CPAN, "it" doesn't exist.

If "you" can get it working and "we" can establish a regular 
test/feedback system (for all of the targets that "we" care about) and 
somewhat frequent/regular release cycle, then messing with warning 
messages is only ever one release away.

But, these are just just my opinions.

"Time flies like an arrow, but fruit flies like a banana."
--Groucho Marx

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