# from David Golden
# on Thursday 18 September 2008 10:23:

>On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 12:27 PM, David E. Wheeler 
>> Can you use the svn copy and not send test results, just to see what
>> happens?
>Sure.  I can just save them to files with
>Test::Reporter::Transport::File, but as Eric (?) pointed out, that
>doesn't really give us an easy base for comparison.  I'll set that up
>either tonight or over the weekend.

First:  thank you.  To avoid getting a release wedged on some platform 
or perl version, we definitely need robots to poke us when we break 

By 'for comparison', do you mean vs the last official release and/or 
0.2808_01 which was in 5.10.0?

My ideal (assuming anyone has the time to approximate it) vision of a 
smoke process would be to have many platforms and configurations doing:

  A.  Run the M::B tests on every commit and send errors to $X.

  B.  Run through a handful (or all) Build.PL dists on every commit
      (where known pass/fail status is available from a previous
      release) to detect when we've changed behavior (i.e. lacking
      coverage) and send errors to $X.  For "handful", see e.g.
      the 'onceper' file and perhaps "all" is triggered by something
      less frequent than every commit.


$X = the mailing list (or if that is too noisy - provide an easy feed 
which many willing and able people are known to be watching.)

Did anyone look at David Cantrell's smoker results? 
(http://hetzner.barnyard.co.uk/misc/mb-test-results.tar.gz)  The 
T::R::T::File setup creates these .db files?  If I'm reading that 
correctly, the basic "alarm metric" here is a difference between "$x$y" 
correlated by $z where:

  ($x,$y,$z) = split(/ /, $line);

This means we know about the problem and what caused it immediately, 
which makes fixing it a small matter of programming (and with momentum) 
and zero archeology.

If someone has sufficient time and endpoints to setup something here, 
that would be great.  (Perhaps a http PUT of the tarball using simply 
digest auth would allow smokers to send a batch of results with cron, 
which could then be processed and the appropriate alarms sounded by the 
receiving server - or something like that.  BTW, possibly see Andy 
Armstrong's setup for TAP::Harness - though I think that relies on the 
svn being on his box and a fair amount of ssh-ery.)

If we have to pass tarballs and scripts around by mail to get this 
release out, so be it.

Whatever gets legs works for me as long as we can reach a sustainable 
mode where everyone can assume that things are fine unless the robot is 
poking them with a stick.

hobgoblin n 1: (folklore) a small grotesque supernatural creature that
          makes trouble for human beings

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