# from Jonas Brømsø Nielsen
# on Friday 12 September 2008 10:45:

>I have for long wanted to get my hands dirty with M::B, I have made  
>several subclasses, but I would like to get more into depth with M::B.
>So if there is anything I could do, I would gladly help and hopefully
>   I could help to free up some resources to look at something like
> the plugin system.
>So if you have some designated tasks I would love to look into  
>creating some patches or tests.

Hi Jonas,

It all depends on what you want to do, how much time you have at a run, 
and maybe on which can of worms you find (or if you like those worms.)

I'm hoping we're ready for 0.3 and that all of the smokes (at least the 
ones that weren't breaking in 0.2808 come back green.)

Before this release, I don't think we'll want to stick any new code in 
trunk unless it fixes something (and then we'll probably have to roll a 
new alpha.)

Hopefully we'll get enough testing setup that we can get in a fairly 
short rhythm of releases.

And of course you could use git or svk to maintain a branch until we get 
the release pressed.

After the release:

  * Find some way to link the code to the documentation which covers it
    (perhaps a comment with a podlink above the method.)  And probably a
    developer test which verifies that.

  * Cleanup t/compat.t - perhaps break into chunks
    (Compat.pm has three functions: 2 generators and a passthru runtime)

  And what I said earlier

I think you probably have to start by picking a task and exploring a 
bit.  You might have to try a couple before you find one that fits.  If 
you're not sure where to start coding or what direction things were 
headed on a given task, ask here or in #toolchain on irc.perl.org.

hobgoblin n 1: (folklore) a small grotesque supernatural creature that
          makes trouble for human beings

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