Matt S Trout wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 10:01:19PM -0500, Ken Williams wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> After much tireless work by Eric Wilhelm and lots of feedback from
>> patient & nonpatient users alike, I'm pleased to announce that version
>> 0.30 of Module::Build is now on CPAN.  This is the first non-beta
>> release in a long time.
>> We did a *lot* of automated testing of third-party modules, with help
>> from various third party people like David Golden, to help minimize
>> any ill effects that might occur; nonetheless, if there are breakages
>> please let us know and we'll try to fix 'em.
> Can it bundle itself in inc/ yet or are you still expecting us to fix
> the entirety of the CPAN toolchain to work around cross-version breakages?

If something is broken, report it.  If there's an unfixed bug that wasn't
handled, say so.  If you want self-bundling, put it in the tracker and it
would be nice if you'd patch it.

Don't play this sort of passive/aggressive BS.  It's childish and unproductive.

"Clutter and overload are not an attribute of information,
 they are failures of design"
    -- Edward Tufte

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