chromatic wrote:
> s/Module::Install/Autobundling/
> Autobundling is fine for end-user all-in-one no-user-servicable-parts-inside 
> applications, but the CPAN is not the place for static linking.  It would be 
> nice not to drag Perl kicking and screaming back into the 1970s.

Autobundling is fine AS LONG AS the bundled version gives way to a newer
installed version.

> I'm still trying to figure out what's the problem with adding '0.31' to 
> the 'use Module::Build;' line in a Build.PL, and how autobundling could 
> possibly be ever a good idea in a CPAN distribution.

Because it requires manual intervention to fix, even if it only has to be
fixed once per install, and we don't like that.

39. Not allowed to ask for the day off due to religious purposes, on the
    basis that the world is going to end, more than once.
    -- The 213 Things Skippy Is No Longer Allowed To Do In The U.S. Army

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