I would suggest that you bump the version number of version to 1.00 so that becomes the recommended minimal number instead of an arbitrary number like 0.77; making the recommended invocation:

   use version 1.00;  $our $VERSION = qw("v1.2.3");

This still confuses me as I think that:

    use version 1.00;

ought to be handy way to declare your own $VERSION, not about requesting a specific version of version.


On Jul 15, 2009, at 20:08 , David Golden wrote:

On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 10:13 AM, David Golden <xda...@gmail.com> wrote:

Easiest is just to park it on the QA wiki, I think. Maybe hang it off the toolchain roadmap page?

A copy of my edits is attached and I've put a copy on the QA Wiki:


My goal with this structural revision was assuming the people don't read docs (much) so trying to have a very logical top-down structure from the table of contents (as created by search.cpan.org). I tested the pod on search here: http://search.cpan.org/pod2html

I expanded on the synopses a bit and I also tried to make sure that good practices were reflected consistently and I removed some text about bad practices for brevity. For example, I removed the new() method description since we want to discourage its use anyway.

Most of the text is still John's -- I mostly re-arranged and streamlined. In a couple areas (parsing & comparison) I wrote new text. In some other areas (eg. alphas) I copied text from the Internals POD and then edited to fit.

John -- I hope you see this as a step forward. I think it will be much more prescriptive in describing how people should use version.pm -- and then the more detailed Internals POD is there for those who really need to see it.

-- David


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