I know some people were looking into this but it turned out to be fairly
easy. Needs live testing though.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <dagol...@cvs.perl.org>
Date: Aug 28, 2009 6:30 PM
Subject: [svn:Module-Build] r13232 - in Module-Build/trunk: .
lib/Module/Build t
To: <svn-commit-modules-module-bu...@perl.org>

Author: dagolden
Date: Fri Aug 28 15:29:59 2009
New Revision: 13232


share_dir installation support complete

share_dirs now install, hopefully correctly.  This
needs offline verification or optional testing only
if File::ShareDir is installed.

Todo: add File::ShareDir to requires automatically
with an appropriate minimum version for "new" style
share directory layout.

Modified: Module-Build/trunk/Changes
--- Module-Build/trunk/Changes  (original)
+++ Module-Build/trunk/Changes  Fri Aug 28 15:29:59 2009
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
 - Generates MYMETA.yml during Build.PL (new standard protocol for
   communicating configuration results between toolchain components)
   [David Golden]
+ - Added 'share_dir' property top provide File::ShareDir support;
+   set automatically if a directory called 'share' exists
+   [David Golden]

 Bug fixes:
 - Fix the t/destinations.t fix. [David Golden, with thanks to Eric Wilhelm]

Modified: Module-Build/trunk/lib/Module/Build/API.pod
--- Module-Build/trunk/lib/Module/Build/API.pod (original)
+++ Module-Build/trunk/lib/Module/Build/API.pod Fri Aug 28 15:29:59 2009
@@ -737,6 +737,32 @@
 instead of C<script_files>.  Please consider this usage deprecated,
 though it will continue to exist for several version releases.

+=item share_dir
+[version 0.36]
+An optional parameter specifying directories of static data files to
+be installed as read-only files for use with L<File::ShareDir>.  The
+C<share_dir> property supports both distribution-level and
+module-level share files.
+The default when C<share_dir> is not set is for any files in a F<share>
+directory at the top level of the distribution to be installed in
+distribution-level share directory.  Alternatively, C<share_dir> can be set
+a directory name or an arrayref of directory names containing files to be
+installed in the distribution-level share directory.
+If C<share_dir> is a hashref, it may have C<dist> or C<module> keys
+providing full flexibility in defining share directories to install.
+  share_dir => {
+    dist => [ 'examples', 'more_examples' ],
+    module => {
+      Foo::Templates => ['share/html', 'share/text'],
+      Foo::Config    => 'share/config',
+    }
+  }
 =item sign

 [version 0.16]

Modified: Module-Build/trunk/lib/Module/Build/Base.pm
--- Module-Build/trunk/lib/Module/Build/Base.pm (original)
+++ Module-Build/trunk/lib/Module/Build/Base.pm Fri Aug 28 15:29:59 2009
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@
 __PACKAGE__->add_property(auto_configure_requires => 1);
 __PACKAGE__->add_property(blib => 'blib');
 __PACKAGE__->add_property(build_class => 'Module::Build');
-__PACKAGE__->add_property(build_elements => [qw(PL support pm xs pod
+__PACKAGE__->add_property(build_elements => [qw(PL support pm xs share_dir
pod script)]);
 __PACKAGE__->add_property(build_script => 'Build');
 __PACKAGE__->add_property(build_bat => 0);
 __PACKAGE__->add_property(config_dir => '_build');
@@ -2459,6 +2459,59 @@

+sub process_share_dir_files {
+  my $self = shift;
+  my $files = $self->_find_share_dir_files;
+  return unless $files;
+  # XXX need to add File::ShareDir as 'requires'
+  # root for all File::ShareDir paths
+  my $share_prefix = File::Spec->catdir($self->blib, qw/lib auto share/);
+  # copy all share files to blib
+  while (my ($file, $dest) = each %$files) {
+    $self->copy_if_modified(
+      from => $file, to => File::Spec->catfile( $share_prefix, $dest )
+    );
+  }
+sub _find_share_dir_files {
+  my $self = shift;
+  my $share_dir = $self->share_dir;
+  return unless $share_dir;
+  my @file_map;
+  if ( $share_dir->{dist} ) {
+    my $prefix = "dist/" . $self->dist_name;
+    push @file_map, $self->_share_dir_map( $prefix, $share_dir->{dist} );
+  }
+  if ( $share_dir->{module} ) {
+    for my $mod ( keys %{ $share_dir->{module} } ) {
+      (my $altmod = $mod) =~ s{::}{-}g;
+      my $prefix = "module/$altmod";
+      push @file_map, $self->_share_dir_map($prefix,
+    }
+  }
+  return { @file_map };
+sub _share_dir_map {
+  my ($self, $prefix, $list) = @_;
+  my %files;
+  for my $dir ( @$list ) {
+    for my $f ( @{ $self->rscan_dir( $dir, sub {-f} )} ) {
+      $files{$f} = File::Spec->catfile(
+        $prefix, File::Spec->abs2rel( $f, $dir )
+      );
+    }
+  }
+  return %files;
 sub process_PL_files {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $files = $self->find_PL_files;

Modified: Module-Build/trunk/t/extend.t
--- Module-Build/trunk/t/extend.t       (original)
+++ Module-Build/trunk/t/extend.t       Fri Aug 28 15:29:59 2009
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@

-  is_deeply $mb->build_elements, [qw(PL support pm xs pod script foo)],
+  is_deeply $mb->build_elements, [qw(PL support pm xs share_dir pod script
      'The foo element should be in build_elements only once';


Modified: Module-Build/trunk/t/share_dir.t
--- Module-Build/trunk/t/share_dir.t    (original)
+++ Module-Build/trunk/t/share_dir.t    Fri Aug 28 15:29:59 2009
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 # Begin testing

-plan tests => 12;
+plan tests => 19;

@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 my $tmp = MBTest->tmpdir;

 use DistGen;
-my $dist = DistGen->new( dir => $tmp );
+my $dist = DistGen->new( dir => $tmp, name => 'Simple::Share' );

 END{ $dist->remove }
@@ -44,11 +44,12 @@
 $dist->add_file('share/foo.txt',<< '---');
 This is foo.txt
-$dist->add_file('other/bar.txt',<< '---');
+$dist->add_file('other/share/bar.txt',<< '---');
 This is bar.txt
 ok( -e catfile(qw/share foo.txt/), "Created 'share' directory" );
+ok( -e catfile(qw/other share bar.txt/), "Created 'other/share' directory"

 # Check default when share_dir is not given
 $mb = $dist->new_from_context;
@@ -119,7 +120,7 @@
    license             => 'perl',
    share_dir           => {
      dist => 'share',
-      module => { $dist->name =>  'other'  },
+      module => { $dist->name =>  'other/share'  },
@@ -127,7 +128,7 @@
 $mb = $dist->new_from_context;
 is_deeply( $mb->share_dir,
  { dist => [ 'share' ],
-    module => { $dist->name => ['other']  },
+    module => { $dist->name => ['other/share']  },
  "Hashref share_dir w/ both dist and module shares (scalar-form)"
@@ -139,7 +140,7 @@
    license             => 'perl',
    share_dir           => {
      dist => [ 'share' ],
-      module => { $dist->name =>  ['other']  },
+      module => { $dist->name =>  ['other/share']  },
@@ -147,11 +148,63 @@
 $mb = $dist->new_from_context;
 is_deeply( $mb->share_dir,
  { dist => [ 'share' ],
-    module => { $dist->name => ['other']  },
+    module => { $dist->name => ['other/share']  },
  "Hashref share_dir w/ both dist and module shares (array-form)"

+# test constructing to/from mapping
+is_deeply( $mb->_find_share_dir_files,
+  {
+    'share/foo.txt' => 'dist/Simple-Share/foo.txt',
+    'other/share/bar.txt' => 'module/Simple-Share/bar.txt',
+  },
+  "share_dir filemap for copying to lib complete"
+# test moving files to blib

+ok( -d 'blib', "Build ran and blib exists" );
+ok( -d 'blib/lib/auto/share', "blib/lib/auto/share exists" );
+my $share_list = Module::Build->rscan_dir('blib/lib/auto/share', sub {-f});
+  $share_list, [
+    'blib/lib/auto/share/dist/Simple-Share/foo.txt',
+    'blib/lib/auto/share/module/Simple-Share/bar.txt',
+  ],
+  "share_dir files copied to blib"
+# test installing
+my $temp_install = 'temp_install';
+mkdir $temp_install;
+ok( -d $temp_install, "temp install dir created" );
+stdout_of( sub { $mb->dispatch('install') } );
+$share_list = Module::Build->rscan_dir(
+  "$temp_install/lib/perl5/auto/share", sub {-f}
+  $share_list, [
+    "$temp_install/lib/perl5/auto/share/dist/Simple-Share/foo.txt",
+    "$temp_install/lib/perl5/auto/share/module/Simple-Share/bar.txt",
+  ],
+  "share_dir files correctly installed"

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