Having looked at latest.pm (c.f. inc/latest.pm in the M::B source) I
have to say that I like it.  How about 'newest.pm' as an alternate
name?  (Apologies to rgs and ex::newest)

Getting the dwimmery to work is a bigger issue.  There's a
quick-and-dirty way and there's a correct way.  (And probably options
in between.)

(1) Quick and dirty -- for whatever needs to be bundled, recursively
copy everything from the current perl library path into the right
directory in inc/ (e.g. Module/Build.pm and Module/Build/* into

(2) Correct -- for each configure_requires, use CPAN(PLUS) (as defined
by the cpan_client property) to download the appropriate distribution
from CPAN and install into inc/ directories.  All 'requires'
dependencies of the configure_requires must be processed similarly.
If a minimum perl prerequisite is defined, any of these modules
satisfied by core modules in the minimum perl can be skipped.  (And
anything that installs an arch-specific component is a fatal error.)

I'm tempted to do #1 just to prove the concept and get going, but it's
fragile and won't generalize, so I don't think it's a long term

I thought about using packlists, but that only works for modules
installed from CPAN -- falling back to using the core packlist winds
up being just a variation of #1 above.

What do people think?

-- David

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