Something is seriously broken in the combination of
bleadperl/Module::Build, I wonder why nobody has reported this problem
besides me (or have they). Please try out what I did:

(1) Install a freshly compiled bleadperl

(2) unpack a module that is based on Module::Build. I tried it with
three of them: Text::Glob, CPAN::Reporter, and Probe::Perl

(3) Run '/..../mynewbleadperl Build.PL'

Here is what I get:

Creating new 'MYMETA.yml' with configuration results
Can't locate YAML/ in @INC (@INC contains: [...]) at 
 line 4145.

I have tried this with v5.11.1-231, v5.11.1-237, v5.11.2-19. All behave
the same (except line number changing).

If you cannot reproduce the problem, please ask for further details you
might need to diagnose the problem/find a fix.


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