On Sun, 6 Dec 2009, David Golden wrote:

> This is Release Candidate 3.  Unless something pops up on some
> less-commonly tested platform, I expect this to be the final release
> candidate before Module::Build 0.36.

I tested on OpenSolaris/x86, which ships with perl-5.8.4 as the default 
system perl.

I noted one odd thing: 

$ perl Build.PL
Checking prerequisites...
    !  ExtUtils::CBuilder is not installed
    !  ExtUtils::ParseXS is not installed
    !  File::Temp (0.14) is installed, but we need version >= 0.15
    !  Test::Harness (2.40) is installed, but we need version >= 3.16
    !  Test::More (0.47) is installed, but we need version >= 0.49
    *  ExtUtils::Manifest (1.42) is installed, but we prefer to have 1.54
  [ . . . ]

ERRORS/WARNINGS FOUND IN PREREQUISITES.  You may wish to install the versions
of the modules indicated above before proceeding with this installation

$ echo $?

Note that although the textual output complains about missing
prerequisites, the script exits with a 0 status.  The "requires" things
don't seem to really be required.  It still "passes" all its tests,
though it does skip quite a few.

$ ./Build test
[ . . . ]

All tests successful, 6 tests and 34 subtests skipped.
Files=44, Tests=1121, 78 wallclock secs (37.18 cusr + 18.89 csys = 56.07 CPU)

In short, even though I'm missing several "required" prerequisites, 

        perl Build.PL && ./Build && ./Build test && ./Build install

will happily build and install, and any warnings will have scrolled
hopelessly off screen.  I would have expected to have to give some sort of
--force flag to make it proceed anyway.

    Andy Dougherty              dough...@lafayette.edu

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