On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 1:04 AM, Michael G Schwern <schw...@pobox.com> wrote:
>>> I think Eric was asking why Module::Signature isn't ignoring MYMETA
>>> once it gets added to MANIFEST.SKIP.
>> Yeah.  If Module::Signature is just being naïve, then I guess that's not
>> our problem.
> I don't think its naïve to trust the MANIFEST, having it second-guess would
> probably cause more trouble.
> Anyhow, agreed that this is a transient problem that happens once per dist
> and will clear up as soon as the author rebuilds the MANIFEST.

After sleeping on it, here's my (untested) hypothesis.  If
MANIFEST.SKIP is *in* MANIFEST.SKIP, then a "disttest" will create a
distdir with no MANIFEST.SKIP and a SIGNATURE that reflects that.
Then, when Build.PL is run in the distdir, it creates a default
MANIFEST.SKIP and then problems ensue.

-- David

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