> And if people really need a skeleton MANIFEST.SKIP, we can add "Build
> manifest_skip" to generate a default one (that then persists)
> -- David

Easy enough. Practically a one-liner.

sub ACTION_manifest_skip {

    if (not -e 'MANIFEST.SKIP') {
        # I'm assuming we're already in the right directory.
        open $skipfile, '>', 'MANIFEST.SKIP';
        print {$skipfile} "#!include_default\n"; # See
        close $skipfile;

Curtis Jewell
csjew...@cpan.org           http://csjewell.dreamwidth.org/
p...@csjewell.fastmail.us   http://csjewell.comyr.org/perl/

"Your random numbers are not that random" -- perl-5.10.1.tar.gz/util.c

Strawberry Perl for Windows betas: http://strawberryperl.com/beta/

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