I've just written Object-ID which contains UNIVERSAL::Object::ID.  This
contains the code:

    package UNIVERSAL;
    use Object::ID;

Module::Build sees that and adds UNIVERSAL to the provides info in META.yml.
Ok, I don't really want to say that I provide UNIVERSAL.  I add no_index => {
package => ["UNIVERSAL"] } to my MB arguments and rerun distmeta.  UNIVERSAL
still shows up in provides.

What's the proper way to remove something from the provides metadata without
having to rewrite the whole thing?

I'm pale as Formica, social skills stunted small. But I'm accurate
like a pica, I know the capital of Nepal. I'm the nemesis of error,
dreadful diction fears my skills, more inquisitive than Jim Lehrer,
snottier than Beverly Hills.
    -- I.L.O.P. Secret Rap  http://goats.com/archive/020830.html

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