2010/6/8 Alberto Simões <al...@alfarrabio.di.uminho.pt>:
> Hello
> Anybody can confirm this, from a module user, that was asking me to
> include some build dependencies in the module tarball?
>> My motivation is asking this comes
>> from the fact that not a few users had a problem similar to this one:
> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2997821&group_id=228270&atid=1073792
>> because "./Build installdeps" does not take into account the builddeps
>> of deps. This may actually be an issue with Module::Build itself.

All "installdeps" does is fire up a CPAN client with a list of missing
dependencies.  Normally, that should resolve dependencies of
dependencies.  (Note that they may not have CPAN configured to install
build dependencies.)  If someone can provide a log of the output then
maybe we can diagnose the "problem" better.

Or have them install App::cpanminus and then try with "--cpan_client
cpanm".  That would help figure out of if it's a bug in CPAN or in

-- David

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