On Tue, Mar 27, 2007 at 03:21:18PM +0200, Thib wrote:
> Hi,
> I almost finished writing my module and made some benchmarks to check
> performance. I was quiet suprise by what happen.
> I used JMeter to send HTTP Post request to my module. I ran 5 parallel
> threads which sent 5000 requests each in series. At the beginning the
> performance are near 500 request per second but decrease quickly to finish
> at 250 req/s.
> I don't understand why performance decrease... I check undelivered memory
> structures but all look like fine.
> Anyone has ever meet this kind of problems ?

You may want to check for sockets in wait state (netstat -tupan | grep
TIME_WAIT). If they accumulate, you can end up in a situation where
free socket become scarce. This will also be noticeable by outliers in
the response time data.

SUSE LINUX Products GmbH               Bug, bogey, bugbear, bugaboo:
Research & Development               A malevolent monster (not true?);
                                          Some mischief microbic;
                                         What makes someone phobic;
                                     The work one does not want to do.
  From: Chris Young (The Omnificent English Dictionary In Limerick Form)

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