On Sat, 2007-07-21 at 18:32 -0500, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
> Farokh Irani wrote:
> >> On Wed, 2007-07-18 at 07:23 -0400, Farokh Irani wrote:
> >>
> >>>  See any operating system documentation about shared libraries for
> >>>  more information, such as the ld(1) and ld.so(8) manual pages.
> >>>  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>>  chmod 755 /usr/local/libexec/apache22/mod_fancy.so
> >>
> >>  Not neccessary - shared libs don't need to be executable.
> Slightly myopic perspective, obviously a linux-user comment ;-)
> Several linux derivatives require all loadable modules to be executable
> to be loaded as code pages.  Sensible thing, eh ;-?  Examples include AIX,
> HPUX etc.

No - not a Linux-only user (AIX and SunOS/Solaris as well, but I have to
admit that I've moved pretty much all of my day work to Linux/BSDs ...).
But I still consider this a rather strange thing to do on Linux and
BSD ... it'll surely trigger some security scanners ....

> > This is also something that is in the apxs code around line 488. Of
> > course, the apxs2 on my debian machine does chmod 644.
> Well, there's no harm (no benefit I can identify, either) if a vendor on
> linux makes this tweak.
> None of this has anything to do with the missing symbol, I expect.  Which
> symbol is missing, is this your fancy_module data symbol?

No - noone ever claimed. I guess you didn't bother reading the rest of
the thread, did you? To bussy sweating over the AIX administration :-)

> You probably didn't ensure that the apache2 module structure to be declared
> in a C namespace as an export.  My mod_aspdotnet is one such example,
He (they?) did.

> http://mod-aspdotnet.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/mod-aspdotnet/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/mod/mod_aspdotnet.cpp?revision=175&view=markup
> Althought this c++ module for MS compilation has a bunch of .NET'isms, this
> particular fragment shouldn't change;
> extern "C" {
>     extern module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA aspdotnet_module;
> }
> module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA ::aspdotnet_module =
> {
>     create_asp_net_dirconf,     /* dir config */
>     merge_asp_net_dirconf,      /* merge dir config */
>     create_asp_net_srvconf,     /* server config */
>     merge_asp_net_srvconf,      /* merge server config */
>     asp_net_cmds,               /* command apr_table_t */
>     register_hooks              /* register hooks */
> };

It's definitely a bug (one of many if i might say so as an almost
exclusive Linux user) in APXS. Files with non-'*.c' extensions aren't
considered source files and libool gets invoked in link mode only.

 THT Ralf Mattes

> Bill

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