I am more interested in theory right now than anything else.
Currently my web development is 80% PHP and 20% Apache Module.  The
Apache module is currently a handler for my images and controls

I have adopted a template type of approach with the PHP code, I found
this utility class that allows me to place 100% of my HTML into
"template" files and keep the PHP pure code.  I think the concept is
pretty standard:

The PHP code determines which templates to use to build the page.
Then the PHP sets all the variables for those pages.  And finally it
calls the utility class that actually builds the page replacing the
variables in the template with the values I set in the PHP.

The more I think about it, the more this sounds like what folks are
doing with input and output filter in Apache modules.  I am starting
to think that it is possible to develop a whole solution solely as an
Apache module and simply have it filter HTML template files filling in
"variables".  Is this how folks do it?


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