could it also have somthing to do with the way '/'s are handled in 64bit versus 
32 bit env. If my memory is right, these characters always seem to start from 
the '/' position. 

----- Original Message -----
From: Sailesh Krishnamurti <>
At: 12/10 12:51:35

just finished trying that. Same result still seems to have the same garbage 
characters. Is there any other debugging technique we can try. Can we force 
nulll termination of strings. Are we sure it is a non-null terminated string 
issue, since the characters are occuring in the begining of the string. In the 
past, I think I have noticed them occuring in the middle also ...

----- Original Message -----
From: Joe Lewis <>
At: 12/10 12:05:00

> Gotccha, heres what the relevant hook info
> static void someModule_register_hooks (apr_pool_t * p)
> {
>   ap_hook_post_config (Some_init_method, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);
>   ap_hook_check_user_id (SomeMethod, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);
>   ap_hook_auth_checker (SomeMethod, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);
>   ap_hook_access_checker (SomeMethod, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);
> }                                                                             
 Looks like its all using HOOK_MIDLE. You mentioned using 
ap_hook_insert_error_filter. Is it okay to use something that talks of inserting
a filter into a module, since modules and filters are supposed to be distinct 
animals. This could just be a novice question, but just thought Id clarify 

I only inserted the example register hook function in because you had
not answered the question for what kind of hook was being used (and
until we know, we can only guess).  Try changing APR_HOOK_MIDDLE to
APR_HOOK_LAST, recompile/install, and see if that changes what you see
in the log files.


P.S. - "Top posting" isn't very effective - it makes following the
e-mail thread that much more difficult.  Try posting your responses
after the necessary text to which you are replying.
Joseph Lewis <>
"Divide the fire, and you will sooner put it out." - Publius Syrus

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