Is any documentation available on the mod_dav provider interface?

I'm working on a module, based on mod_dav_svn and mod_atom, for
accessing Subversion repositories using the Atom Publishing Protocol,
RFC 5023:

As well as studying mod_dav_svn and mod_atom, I read Nick Kew's Apache
Modules Book and mod_dav.h, but am still grasping for a high level
picture of mod_dav's provider interface. I'm not actually developing
with mod_dav, but I'm struggling to understand how it's organized so I
can better understand mod_dav_svn.

In particular, how do get_resource() and deliver() of
dav_hooks_repository interact? What is the high level flow of request

Incidentally, I found the autoconf macros from mod_skeleton quite

Are these macros already - or could they in future be - shipped with the
Apache distribution? I think they are quite helpful to module

Thanks and best wishes, Jack

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