On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 2:36 PM, wolfgang <wolfgang...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I can not get a port number if my apache module is set in the main
> server config and listen port is set to 10080.
> ( "the main server config" means other than virtual host configs. )
> When my apache module is set in the main server config as follows and
> a client requests "http://www.example.com:10080";.
> In httpd.conf,
> ...
> Listen 10080
> <Location "/">
>   SetHandler mymodule
> </Location>
> ....
> Then, in mymodule I get the following results.
> request_rec->server->is_virtual is 0.
> ap_get_server_port(request_rec)" is 80.          <----- 80 !? why not 10080 ??
> request_rec->server->port is 0.                      <----- ZERO !? hm...
> request_rec->server->addrs->host_port is 0.   <----- ZERO... Sure, my
> module is not in a virtual host.

Maybe http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/core.html#usecanonicalphysicalport ?

(or ServerName if it's the only Listen)

Eric Covener

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