I hope I got the email correct.  I'm trying to post to the mailing list.


I want to do the following in htaccess for account security:

<FilesMatch ".*[^(wp_login.php|logout.php)]">

SetEnvIf Authorization "^(.*)Account(.*)$" logged_in

Order Allow,Deny

Allow from env=logged_in


<Files wp_login.php>

AuthType Basic

AuthName "Account"

require group account


<Files logout.php>

AuthType Basic

AuthName "Leave"

require group leave



Basic authentication doesn't "remember" the authtype, but Digest does.

Cookies are too insecure because they are readily editable.

I'm connecting over a secure certificate.  I believe a user could possible
telnet and send an authorization header?

I want to know the risk of them getting or guessing the right AuthType under
these circumstances.

How vulnerable is the request authorization header?

Also, it seems to me I could rewrite mod_auth_digest to use mysql by
modifying the code recompiling and linking in the new object.

I haven't tried it yet, so I don't know the obstacles.  I'd like to know if
this is a worthwhile endeavor first and how much of a security risk will be

The point of this is to avoid the ugly popus that require authentication

Does anyone have any suggestions on a better approach?




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