There is not authentication requirement for logged_out it's in a higher

-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Lewis [] 
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2009 4:46 PM
Subject: Re: Making mod_auth_digest mysql

Michele Waldman wrote:
> I'm doing this:
> RewriteEngine On
> RewriteCond %{REMOTE_USER} .
> RewriteRule ^.*$ - [S=1]
> RewriteRule ^.*$ http://domain/logged_out.html?%{N} [R]
> AuthType Digest
> AuthName "account" 
> AuthUserFile /path/.htpasswd
> Require valid-user
> 1) The user is logged in.
> 2) The user logs out.
> 3) In ff, the user hits the backpage button.
> 4) The user gets a dialog box to login rather than being redirected.
> Michele 
Are you trying to get the user to be redirected if they are not logged 
in? It shouldn't require hacking apache or rewriting a module. Try 
turning off the authentication requirement for the /logged_out.html 
page. Then, on a 401, send them to the login page. Probably similar to :

In this case, everything except the help files, and the utilities for 
assisting with logging in have been protected, while these resources 
have not. Is that what you are after?

Joe Lewis
Chief Nerd      SILVERHAWK <>         (801)

/You know there is a problem with the education system when you realize 
that out of the 3 R's only one begins with an R.
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