Playing around with this a bit, but not getting too far...

The logic of my SQLite code works if I compile it as a stand-alone executable.

My mod_hello.c compiles and loads/works fine without the SQLite code

Combining the two, the module compiles and is installed, but the apache process dies immediately (core dump) every time it is loaded. Stripping out all the SQLite code and simply linking against SQLite causes this problem. In other words, with the same code:

apxs -cia -L/usr/local/lib -I/home/devin mod_hello.c
/* Works Fine, prints "hello world" */

apxs -cia -L/usr/local/lib -I/home/devin -lsqlite3 mod_hello.c
/* compiles but dies on apache load */
The platform is OpenBSD 4.6 with the platform's version of Apache 1.3 and SQLite 3.6.20 downloaded from the SQLite site and compiled from source

Since I'm just getting started with C apache modules, I assume I'm missing something basic.

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