Hello Ray,

On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 Ray Morris <supp...@bettercgi.com> wrote:
>   I don't know how to help you with the method you're
> trying to use, but I may be able to help achieve your
> goal simply and efficiently.  For a similar situation,
> I just forwarded port 80 to port 8080 via the the firewall.

thanks, but I think it's not the same.

1) Most companies have some kind of filtering web
proxies at the port 80 (and all other ports blocked) -
like Squid or commercial ones (NetCache?)
and this just won't work.

2) And also I already have Apache at the port 80,
serving my site. OpenBSD's or Linux firewall
won't be able to selectively redirect requests
(unless I write some pf module for that).

I wonder if it's possible with Apache 2?
To get hold of the client socket, so that I can poll()
or select() it and implement server push aka Comet


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