
> Do you create a background thread per apache process? Or do you have a
> single background thread that is used by all apache processes? Which
> hook creates the background thread?

The background thread is created by ap_hook_child_init, thus every
child process has one running background thread.

> It is possible that you create the thread once but you try to join it
> several times. I don't know if this is sufficient to get the symptoms
> that you see.

Even when I do not join at all, but just attempt to connect to the
database in the registered pool cleanup function for the child, I get
the segfault.

> Try compiling both apache and apr with debug symbols and run it in a
> debugger with -X (i.e. monoprocess).
> Place a breakpoint on line 134
> and see how many times you reach it.

Yes I'll try that soon.

Thank you,

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