---- Ben Noordhuis <i...@bnoordhuis.nl> wrote: 
> On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 4:35 PM,  <oh...@cox.net> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am working on a module, and I get one of the SSL envvars, 
> > SSL_CLIENT_CERT, using apr_table_get() into a const char *.
> >
> > The client cert char string returned has the extra beginning line 
> > (-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----) and ending line (-----END CERTIFICATE-----), 
> > but I need to remove both of those lines for a call that I need to make.
> >
> > I have to admit, I'm a bit (a lot) rusty with 'C', and I guess I could do 
> > something like:
> >
> > strpy(original_cert, original_cert+27);
> >
> > and then set the ending position to \0 (to terminate the char string 
> > early), but since with this is a module, and I'm working with a pointer to 
> > the memory pool, I'm kind of worried that doing stuff like that would mess 
> > things up (e.g., garbage collection, since the string is now shorter by 'x' 
> > bytes.
> >
> > So, from an Apache module development standpoint, what would be the safest 
> > way to do this (strip a string of chars from the beginning and end)?
> Make a copy with apr_strdup(), then mutate the copy.
> APR has utility functions for manipulating strings, like apr_strtok().
> Have a look at apr_strings.h.


Thanks.  I've been using those, and I can eliminate the beginning line, but how 
can I eliminate the ending line?  It seems that I can't just store a '\0' into 
the end of the char string.

Will apr_cpystrn() automatically terminate the destination char string, i.e., 
if I do something like:

apr_cpystrn(cert_without_ending, cert_string, strlen(cert_string)-10);

will the cert_without_ending char string get terminated properly with \0?


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