I have the following scenario :
- Apache/2.2.19 (Solaris 10 SPARC)
SetInputFilter alterxmlbody (AP_FTYPE_RESOURCE)
SetHandler weblogic-handler
The handler forwards requests to multiple weblogic servers
and the filter itself analyzes and/or changes the POST data
in a way that the length of the incoming request may be changed.
The question is :
What is the proper and legitimate way to deal with this situation?
Should the input filter set the new CL value in "headers_in" before
returning from the callback, or just remove it from the list?
apr_off_t length;
apr_brigade_length (bb,1,&length);
apr_table_setn(f->r->headers_in, "Content-Length",
apr_off_t_toa(f->r->pool, length));
Unfortunately, this approach breaks the pipeline because sometimes
the filter needs to buffer data over more than one call, but I do not
consider this as a problem.
apr_table_unset(f->r->headers_in, "Content-Length");
Thanks for any help.
Best regards