On 06/07/2013 08:19 AM, Sean Beck wrote:
I'm looking through and example I found
it says this about the method used by post_config():
This routine is called to perform any module-specific fixing of header
fields, et cetera. It is invoked just before any content-handler.
That makes it seem like this is called every time a connection is made.
That isn't what I want. I want to do set up only once for as long as the
server is running. Would pre_config() be more suitable for that?


Sounds like it's the wrong description.  From http_config.h :

 * Run the post_config function for each module
 * @param pconf The config pool
 * @param plog The logging streams pool
 * @param ptemp The temporary pool
 * @param s The list of server_recs
 * @return OK or DECLINED on success anything else is a error
AP_DECLARE_HOOK(int,post_config,(apr_pool_t *pconf,apr_pool_t *plog,
                                 apr_pool_t *ptemp,server_rec *s))

The post_config hook should happen when the child loads, and won't be associated with a specific request. It happens after the config is loaded when HTTPD starts, potentially twice because of the way HTTPD loads. Once done and HTTPD starts serving requests, it shouldn't be called again in that processes lifetime.


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