On 18 Jun 2013, at 22:18, Jon Leighton wrote:

> I've been looking into the possibility of writing a module to support using 
> SCTP as an alternative to TCP. After spending some time reading "The Apache 
> Modules Book" and looking through the code, I have the impression that the 
> module architecture doesn't support controlling the types of sockets that are 
> opened. I'm hoping someone can either confirm or correct my impression. 
> Thanks very much.

It's not covered by the book, and I'd need to tackle pretty much
the same learning curve as you to hack it.

Your startingpoint would probably be APR's network_io module.
If you're thinking HTTP-over-SCTP (if indeed that makes any sense)
then that may be most of what you need to do.  If not, or if you want
to do everything as a module, you could start by looking at protocol
modules like mod_ftp or mod_smtp.

Nick Kew

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