On 2013-06-26 22:22, Sindhi Sindhi wrote:

I have a C++ Apache filter module for HTML output filtering. I'm seeing a
certain behavior when using my filter module after setting cookies and
would want to know if thats expected.

I have a html page index.html, this page has a hyperlink called "Click
here" and when I click on this link, a second page index2.html should be

My filter applies some business logic while filtering html files.

I have a cookie.html file that has Javascript to set a cookie (using
document.cookie) in the browser.

I need to do the following:
1. Enable my filter using LoadModule directive and start the server
2. Set a cookie with name=cookieName, value=cookieValue in the browser
using the cookie.html
3. Launch index.html, and then click on "Click here". When this call goes
to the filter module, I have to apply some business logic before
index2.html is rendered on browser.

But when I set the cookie in step2 above, I see that the filter module is
not called because a server call is not made, and the browser opens the
cached index2.html which does not have my business logic applied.

And, if I dont set the cookie mentioned in step2 above, a server call is
made when I click on "Click here" link.

How can I ensure that, when I try to launch a html page from a hyperlink,
the call goes to the filter module even when I set a browser cookie.

What happens if you clear your browser's memory and disk cache before you click on the hyperlink?

If it's a cache issue, then use the mod_headers module and the 'Header set Cache-Control "must-revalidate, no-cache"' directive to disable browser caching.


My apologies if I'm asking something fundamental, I'm new to how cookies
work with web-servers, any help would be really appreciated.


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