On 12/19/13, 2:29 PM, "Hong" <h...@cornell.edu> wrote:

>I wrote an Apache module that call functions in openssl library to sign
>messages. The module is dynamic linked to openssl library 1.0.1d when I
>built it. It works fine when it is loaded into the Apache that was also
>built with the same version of openssl. But if Apache was built with
>0.9.8x, segfault occurred. Is there anything I can do for my built so it
>also works in the Apache which was built with older version of openssl?

Not that I know of. This is really a packaging issue, you have to leverage
the same libraries found on the platform you're targeting. You can't
create binaries for a typical Linux system, or most other similar breeds,
and just hand them out generically unless they're quite self-contained and
not used as loadable modules into something else.

-- Scott

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