
Shared memory is the only way between processes to share some data.

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> On 2014 bal. 20, at 14:47, Hassan Monfared <hmonfa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Nick,
> Tanks for reply.
> The array is a list of client IPs to be blocked.
> I used apr threads and moved the thread creation  to ap_hook_child_init()
> In this case the thread worked fine separately in each process.
> Another question arises here.
> Does the array which is initialized in the main process is copied into
> child processes?
> Thanks.
>> On Sun, Apr 20, 2014 at 2:43 PM, Nick Kew <n...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> On 20 Apr 2014, at 09:05, Hassan Monfared wrote:
>>> Dear members,
>>> I have global static array in my module
>> What do you mean by a global static array?
>> it is a list of IP's
>> In normal operation, apache runs multi-process.
>> So what looks like global static is actually per-process.
>> Think that through and it'll probably tell you what's wrong.
>>> I wrote a monitoring thread with boost::thread which runs in background
>> and
>>> updates the list every 5 seconds.
>> You'd probably be better off with apr threads: two separate
>> threading models will add complexity and detract from
>> portability and maintainability.
>> Either run the update per-process or use shared memory.
>> In the latter case, use apache's (and apr's) mechanisms
>> for shared memory and timed monitoring to avoid introducing
>> new complexity.
>> --
>> Nick Kew

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