Hello list,

I am developing a module which should be able to allow or deny access to URLs
based on a database.

I have now found out that with 'AcceptPathInfo on' there are URLs that the
user can access by simply adding a trailing '/' or a trailing '/whatever'.
So the user specifies he wants '/index.php/whatever' and this is not
diallowed in the database, but then he will get /index.php with '/whatever'
added to the PHP script as a path-info field.
This bypasses the security of course.

Is there a way of knowing whether this is in affect or (preferred) is there a
way to find out the real URL that the PHP interpreter will be using at last.

My module runs in the auth_checker phase and in the fixup phase.
I have not found a way yet to determine the really delivered URL instead of
the user given one.

Thank you for your time,


Christoph Gröver, gro...@sitepark.com

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