Hello Michael,

This is a mailing list for developers of plug-in modules for httpd. us...@httpd.apache.org and d...@httpd.apache.org are better choices. (I guess these two topics are code-related so dev@ is the best choice.) But see below. (If further discussion is needed outside of the bug db, please post to d...@httpd.apache.org.)

On 04/22/2015 02:26 AM, Koperek, Michael wrote:
using the current mod_fcgid 2.3.9 sources, im not able to compile on windows 
using msdev 6.0:

…\fcgid_conf.c(815) : error C2065: 'JOBOBJECT_EXTENDED_LIMIT_INFORMATION' : 
undeclared identifier
…\fcgid_conf.c(815) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 
…\fcgid_conf.c(815) : error C2065: 'job_info' : undeclared identifier
…\fcgid_conf.c(815) : error C2059: syntax error : '{'
…\fcgid_conf.c(827) : error C2224: left of '.BasicLimitInformation' must have 
struct/union type
…\fcgid_conf.c(828) : error C2065: 'JOB_OBJECT_LIMIT_KILL_ON_JOB_CLOSE' : 
undeclared identifier
…\fcgid_conf.c(830) : error C2065: 'JobObjectExtendedLimitInformation' : 
undeclared identifier

Seems to be not compilable code. Any ideas what to do?

You need a newer SDK from Microsoft that defines that API. (Maybe a web search will help?) It would be fair to open a bug against mod_fcgid asking for some compatibility with ancient SDK bundled with your compiler, but I'm not sure anyone would be able to work on that.

There is a sleep for 1 second in fcgid_bridge.c, function handle_request.
One second is for my application to high (user has to wait for each image to 
load on a web side with multiple images 1 second).
I changed the code from
   apr_sleep(APR_USEC_PER_SEC / 50); // 20 msecs

That works fine.
Is it possible to configure the sleep time?

Please comment on this bug to raise awareness that it affects more people:


Kind regards

Michael Koperek
e.bootis ag


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