On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 3:15 PM, Paul Klinkenberg <p...@ongevraagdadvies.nl>

> Hi list members,
> I created a simple httpd module in C, called mod_cfml. It is a port of a
> Perl-based one, which was written by Jordan Michaels. I teamed up with him
> to do some updates and do the port.
>  - original mod_cfml.PM:
> https://github.com/utdream/mod_cfml/blob/master/perl/mod_cfml.pm <
> https://github.com/utdream/mod_cfml/blob/master/perl/mod_cfml.pm>
>  - new mod_cfml.SO:
> https://github.com/paulklinkenberg/mod_cfml/blob/develop/C/mod_cfml.c <
> https://github.com/paulklinkenberg/mod_cfml/blob/develop/C/mod_cfml.c>
> Reason I am writing to the list, is my inability to compile this module
> for Windows.  I am not a much experienced C coder, hope the code doesn't
> show that though. I tried multiple options, and spent over 16 hours in
> trying to get the module compiled on Windows. But to no avail.  On other
> platforms, I just use apxs, and it works like a charm.
> Bluntly asked: would somebody on this list be willing to compile this code
> for me/the project, for Apache 2.4 on Windows 32/64 bit? Or show me a
> working way how to do it myself?
> The project is 100% free opensource software, meant to help people, not to
> make money :)
> Thanks in advance, kind regards,
> Paul Klinkenberg
apxs for Windows: http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/perl/apxs/trunk/

I prefer cmake.  This should work reasonably if your httpd install looks
like the one installed with the cmake build:  (probably stuff is in the
right place)

If you try this and it works, let me know; I could put the generic one
(i.e., not "cfml") on Github with a license and readme with a pointer in
the script.  I don't know if this is really enough code to have a license
for; my only concern is that I wouldn't want anyone to see this with some
other code and think that it is not free to use more widely than the code
they found it with.

------------- CMakeLists.txt --------------


SET(modnames cfml)


FOREACH(shortname ${modnames})
    SET(modbase "mod_${shortname}")
    SET(modbasename "${modbase}.c")
    ADD_LIBRARY(${modbase} SHARED ${modbasename})
----------------- end ---------------------------------

Put this CMakeLists.txt file in the directory with your source.

In MS Visual Studio command prompt:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=\path\to\httpd\install -G "NMake Makefiles"
-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo \path\to\your\source
nmake && nmake install

Born in Roswell... married an alien...

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