No I hadn't so thank you Christopher.

On Tue, 30 Jul 2019 at 17:37, Nebergall, Christopher
<> wrote:
> Have you seen this example?
> It will show you how to log at the very least.
> -Topher
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bill Moo <>
> Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2019 11:06 AM
> To:
> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: No content returned from directive handler sample.
> If it help anyone then here if the code I am using:
> /* module mod_graphing.c: */
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include "apr_hash.h"
> #include "ap_config.h"
> #include "ap_provider.h"
> #include "httpd.h"
> #include "http_core.h"
> #include "http_config.h"
> #include "http_log.h"
> #include "http_protocol.h"
> #include "http_request.h"
> extern module mod_graphing ;
> /* Struct used to store template settings for a graph */ typedef struct {
>     const char *    m_Name ;
>     const char *    m_Template ;
>     unsigned int    refresh ;
> /* Our configuration prototype and declaration: */ typedef struct {
>     const char *    m_SQL ;     /* SQL Connection String */
>     const char *    m_Usr ;     /* SQL User name */
>     const char *    m_Pwd ;     /* SQL Password */
>     unsigned long   m_Port ;     /* Port No */
>     PROCEDURE * m_Procs ;/* Array of Procedure Structures */ } CONFIG ;
> static int configHandler(request_rec *) ; const char * configSetSQL(cmd_parms 
> *, void *, const char *) ; const char * configSetPort(cmd_parms *, void *, 
> const char *) ; //const char * configSetPort(cmd_parms *, void *, const 
> unsigned long *) ; const char * configSetSQLUser(cmd_parms *, void *, const 
> char *, const char *) ; static void register_hooks(apr_pool_t *) ;
> static CONFIG Config;
> /* Handler for the "examplePath" directive */ const char * 
> configSetSQL(cmd_parms * cmd, void * cfg, const char * arg) {
>     Config.m_SQL = arg ;
>     return NULL ;
> }
> const char * configSetPort(cmd_parms * cmd, void * cfg, const char * arg) {
>     Config.m_Port = atol(arg) ;
>     return NULL ;
> }
> const char * configSetSQLUser(cmd_parms * cmd, void * cfg, const char
> * usr, const char * pwd) {
>     Config.m_Usr = usr ;
>     Config.m_Pwd = pwd ;
>     return NULL ;
> }
> /* The directive structure for our name tag: */ extern const command_rec 
> configDirectives[] = {
>     AP_INIT_TAKE1("sqlConnection", configSetSQL, NULL, ACCESS_CONF, "Set the 
> PostgreSQL Connection"),
>     AP_INIT_TAKE1("sqlPortNo”, configSetPort, NULL, ACCESS_CONF, "Set SQL 
> Port No”),
>     AP_INIT_TAKE2("sqlUserInfo", configSetSQLUser, NULL, ACCESS_CONF, "Set 
> PostgreSQL Username / Password"),
>     { NULL }
> };
> /* Our module handler: */
> static int configHandler(request_rec *r) {
>     if(!r->handler || strcmp(r->handler, "configHandler")) return(DECLINED);
>     ap_set_content_type(r, "text/plain");
>     ap_rprintf(r, "User IP : %s", r->useragent_ip) ;
>     ap_rprintf(r, "SQL Conn : %s", Config->m_SQL) ;
>     ap_rprintf(r, "SQL User : %s, %s", Config->m_Usr, Config->m_Pwd) ;
>     ap_rprintf(r, “Port No : %ul", Config->m_Port) ;
>     return OK;
> };
> /* The hook registration function (also initializes the default config
> values): */
> static void register_hooks(apr_pool_t *pool) {
>     Config.m_SQL = NULL ;
>     Config.m_Usr = NULL ;
>     Config.m_Pwd = NULL ;
>     Config.m_Port = 0 ;
>     Config.m_Procs = NULL ;
>     ap_hook_handler(configHandler, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_LAST); };
> /* Our module name tag: */
> module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA mod_graphing = {
>     NULL,               /* Per-directory configuration handler */
>     NULL,               /* Merge handler for per-directory configurations */
>     NULL,               /* Per-server configuration handler */
>     NULL,               /* Merge handler for per-server configurations */
>     configDirectives, /* Any directives we may have for httpd */
>     register_hooks      /* Our hook registering function */
> };
> Apologies for polluting the thread with this.
> On Tue, 30 Jul 2019 at 16:55, Bill Moo <> wrote:
> >
> > Well I have tired what you suggested Eric but to no avail so
> > regrettably no further forward. I have even tried several variations
> > in both the Location and Directory entries.
> >
> > The Apache2 install I have is stock on Ubuntu 18.04 so I don't think
> > there are any proxying modules in place.
> >
> > Can you, or indeed anyone, tell me how I can write 'debug' output to
> > either the console or one of the Apache logs please. If I can do this
> > I'll at least be able to see if my code is being called prior to the
> >
> > On Tue, 30 Jul 2019 at 16:44, Eric Covener <> wrote:
> > >
> > > On Tue, Jul 30, 2019 at 11:41 AM Bill Moo <> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Hey, thanks for the quick reply. But I'll be honest and confess to
> > > > not knowing exactly what you are meaning. If I do understand
> > > > correctly then the Location is correct but the Directory entry
> > > > needs to be /var/www/html/info is this correct?
> > >
> > > Yes, it should be a full filesystem path  -- if you need that kind
> > > of section at all.
> > > 2nd caveat -- proxy-like modules can short-circuit the mapping
> > > altogether and no directory section may match.

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