Hi Stefan,

Thank you for the article. I think I will have to give this some more thought.

In any case, your input has been very helpful!


*From:* Stefan Eissing [mailto:ste...@eissing.org]
*Subject:* Which programming language should be used for newly developed modules?
*Date:* Monday, May 16, 2022, 11:03
*To:* modules-dev@httpd.apache.org

Am 12.05.2022 um 15:41 schrieb Simon Studer<simon.stu...@netnea.com>:

Hi Stefan,

Thank you for the quick and extensive feedback!

To be honest, I was not expecting there to be so many good reasons not to use 
Rust but I think I see your point that it would be difficult to maintain and 
that compatibility would absolutely be a concern.

 From what I gather most of the problems arise the moment you add the 
abstractions and if you do not add such abstractions there is not much reason 
to use Rust in the first place.

Golang had been cheered for when I first asked the question. Do you know by any 
chance if there would be similar issues with Golang? If not, I might give that 
a shot instead.
A good article about (against, actually) about Go and its 

Kind Regards,


On 5/12/22 12:13, Stefan Eissing wrote:
Hi Simon,

Am 12.05.2022 um 11:28 schrieb Simon Studer<simon.stu...@netnea.com>:

Hi everyone,

When I read about Apache's use of rustls I thought of this thread again.

For mod_tls, the module itself was written in C linking to the rustls-ffi. I 
have been wondering if it would be desirable to implement the modules 
themselves in Rust as well and how you would go about doing that. This is 
something I have superficially looked into in the past but never really 
followed through with.

I looked around and foundhttps://github.com/majorz/apache2-rs  which has been 
inactive since about 7 years ago. There are also a number of forks which are 
more recent but also appear to be inactive and left in an early development 
state. There appears to be one fork that has only just been worked on recently 
with minor tweaks but it is still the same for the most part.
When I started the work on mod_tls, I was pointed to that abandoned project as well. The 
main issue I see in this approach is that one does "duplicate" Apache APIs and 
those duplications do not follow any updates/improvements that the server will do over 
time. This may lead to various breakages, even when the API is extended in a C-backward 
compatible way. This happens quite often in the 2.4.x release line.

Examples of that:
- Adding an enum: if a new HTTP status comes up, the sever adds a definition to its 
enums, but the "pub enum Status {...}" (as defined 
inhttps://github.com/majorz/apache2-rs/blob/master/src/httpd.rs) would not follow. The 
Rust language runtime will panic() if it encounters an enum not properly defined.
– the wrappers inhttps://github.com/majorz/apache2-rs/blob/master/src/ffi.rs  do not 
follow either and will not account for added fields. Adding fields happens regularly. The 
"wrong" size will most likely be problematic in the Copy/Clone traits

To control that, all these definitions would best be done as part of the Apache 
httpd project. That would require a serious build-up of Rust competence among 
the core developers. It is doubtful, if the existing team is interested in 
that. Of course, Rust people who want to make a long-term commitment in the 
project would not be turned away. But so far, I do not see any.

Beyond the pure writing code stuff, the target platforms would need to be 
managed. Apache runs on architectures which are not supported by Rust.

Also, feedback from linux distributions I got (those may not be representative) 
is that they are hesitant to include more Rust components. I have heard of none 
that has picked up mod_tls in their package distribution. That hesitation seems 
mainly to stem from the fact that Rust regularly re-invents itself and requires 
everything to update to the current state of languages and crates. Those are 
mostly in 0.x.x versions and APIs do change regularly.

This means that updating a Firefox requires a Rust updated which requires an 
update of crates which then might mean other Rust packages will no longer 
compile and one has to update them too, if indeed such an update for the 
Firefox Rust version is available. etc. etc. This conflicts with any LTS 
distribution model.


The update/backward compatibility/dependency handling of Rust and the *nix 
world where Apache contributes too are different in vital aspects. This makes 
delivery of Rust based modules there difficult. If you do a module just for 
your own/organization, this might be fine.

Recently, I have started to implement something similar, mostly to get some 
familiarity with the process of using Rust's bindgen tools. The approach I 
chose is somewhat different as I generate the FFI with bindgen on the fly 
during the build process. The project is located 
here:https://github.com/studersi/apache-rs. I have not implemented any 
abstractions yet that are more idiomatic to Rust and stuck to the FFI generated 
by bindgen for now. I will likely add such abstractions later to get the most 
out of Rust's safety guarantees.

Is anyone else looking into this or maybe even the owner of one of the other 
projects? Any other thoughts or comments are welcome as well :-)
Rust is an excellent language. The weakness I see is that no one commits to any 
long-term stability. If you use Rust, you must account for language and crate 
changes which will force you to upgrade at any time. If a crate fixes a CVE, it 
means you have to re-build your Rust component using the recent versions of 

I hope this explains a bit the reasons behind writing mod_tls in C and linking 
Rust from a (sadly static) library.

Kind Regards,


On 8/21/20 01:00, Wendell Hatcher wrote:
Golang!! 😊😊😊


On Aug 20, 2020, at 6:58 PM, Nick Kew<n...@apache.org>  wrote:

ο»ΏOn Thu, 20 Aug 2020 21:59:50 +0200
Simon Studer<simon.stu...@netnea.com>  wrote:

Hi everyone,

Recently, I was wondering which programming language should be used
for new Apache httpd modules.
Whatever suits the module's developer and task.

The C API has a stability promise: if you use it, your
module will continue to work with (at least) future 2.4.x
releases.  That give you C or any language with C linkage.
If you deviate from the API, you're on your own.

Alternatives that (broadly speaking) wrap the C API are also
possible: see for example mod_perl and mod_lua.

Nick Kew

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